Friday, May 6, 2016

My Highlight in my Holiday - Writing

My highlight for  2016 term 1

One day in the school holidays my Mum , Grandad , Grandma , Sienna and I did a sausage sizzle on the 1st of may at Keirunga Gardens/ Trains fundraising for my sister’s (Jorgia) marching.

FINALLY!!!!!  We got our first customer after about an hour of waiting because we come at ten o'clock and the Trains start at eleven o'clock we cooked , we served , we got the money and made about 2 sausages and then we had another and another until no one was coming so Grandad sat down and we had some fun reading my script for the play Rumpelstiltskin that I got a part in for Gretel                       

“YAY” Sienna is finally here to help. Sienna realty wanted to come and help do the money so Sienna, Harlow and Sarah came  to help but Sarah and harlow just went on the playground and I felt happy and sad, happy because there won’t be enough room and sad cause they are not helping one cent.  

Sienna and I did the money, it was super  fun because Sienna was getting the money and I was giving change. The sausages were two dollars and the drinks were two dollars.

Soon  Sienna left and went to go on a walk with her Mum and Sister and I was left doing the money. Twice  we went  to pack up  and people came for more sausages and Grandad had turned of the barbecue so we had about  4-5 people waiting for the sausages to cook  so we cooked the sausages and we got their orders done.

By the end of the day we had got $176 for the sausage sizzle fundraising for my sisters (Jorgia) marching for nationals.

That is the end of my story hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading Tia.

Self assessment

What’s Good? What are you most pleased with … That I have good verbs , adverbs , adjectives and nouns.

Next time, what is one  thing you could do to improve … get my capitals in on my names start of sentences and places.